- Ross Intermediate School
On February 3rd, the enrollment form will open at 8:00AM!
Hello RIS families!
Just wanted to send an update on the happenings at RIS.
- The building is an active construction zone and we are on schedule for our August start
- Painters start tomorrow
- Lockers are being placed in the back of the classrooms for install as we speak
- Abatement has been finalized
- Windows will be delivered in a few weeks
- The restrooms stalls have been taken out and they are in the process of re-installing new stalls to ADA code
- A ramp and new cafe entrance has been scoped and will be installed per ADA
- New padding for the gym has been ordered and the floor will re-waxed and buffed
- Our safety vestibule will be installed in June with all new cameras and a key fob system
- Whiteboards have been delivered to each room and are ready for installation
- LED lighting will be installed in all the classrooms as well as new fixtures in the hallways/offices/etc
- The main office will be ready June 1 for Mrs. Korb, Mrs. Moses, Mrs. Sawyers and myself to be at RIS
- Our certified staff is set and we are interviewing for both our school nurse and safety officer in the next few weeks
- The surveyors were out today to finish mapping out the new parking lot, playground hard surface and the parent drop-off / pick-up area
- The school day will be from 8:05am-2:50pm
We have weekly transportation, curriculum and construction meetings and I am excited about what will be a fantastic building for your child to attend. I have had individual meetings with each staff member of RIS and I can tell you we have an outstanding staff and the support from Central Office has been amazing. Also, there will be a RIS PTO meeting this Thursday where we will be planning the RIS Rally in conjunction with the RIS Open House that will be in August. We will get you the details as we finalize decisions. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at jason.rettinger@rossrams.com. Go RAMS!
Thank you,
Jason Rettinger
Ross Local Schools Administration