Food Services
Our Mission: Good Nutrition
To provide our students and staff with healthy, nutritious meals. We accomplish our goal by providing quality, healthy, delicious, and nutritious foods. We encourage customers to try new foods and use the cafeterias as a learning tool for a lifetime of healthy eating.
The Ross Local Schools' food service department proudly provides meal service to 2,800+ students and employees in our district. Our food department supports the USDA dietary guidelines, "My Plate". This mandates incorporating more whole grains, reducing fats, sugar, and sodium content.
Please contact Karen Trousdell, the RLSD Food Services Director,
Free and Reduced Meal Application:
We are asking for all families to please fill out THE OHIO 2023-2024 INCOME FORM. This is for our record-keeping for state reports.
Please register and fill out this application on the PaySchools website. This form must be completed EVERY school year.
Charge Procedure
- How to pay for meals:
- Meal payment options:
- Alternative Meal Procedure - when students cannot pay for meals:
- Ross students (Grades K-12) will be permitted to charge 3 lunches:
- Food allergies:
How to pay for meals:
Meal payment options:
Alternative Meal Procedure - when students cannot pay for meals:
Ross students (Grades K-12) will be permitted to charge 3 lunches:
Food allergies:
Menus and Nutritional Information
Looking for the cafeteria menus?
All buildings cafeteria menus - breakfast and lunch - are emailed out via Final Forms each month. Please keep your email address up to date to ensure you receive them. You can also find them on the each buildings Facebook page.
Tips for Healthy Living
Have fun- Figure out which activities you like best. If basketball and soccer aren't for you... try karate, kickball, dancing, or even a game of hide & seek! Ask your parents and friends to join you in your favorite activities.
- Move- Try to have no more than 2 hours each day of "screen time". This includes TV, computer games, video games, and handhelds.
- Variety- You may have one favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety! When you eat different foods, you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Try some new foods, and retry some old ones you didn't seem to like before. When you get older, your taste buds can change. The foods you didn't enjoy before can become your favorite food later in life. Shoot for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
- Drink water and milk- Did you know cold water is the #1 thirst quencher? Your cafeteria offers milk choices for an important reason. Growing children need calcium to produce strong bones. Milk is an excellent source of calcium. Try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas and fruit punches.
- Mom & dad can help too- They can stock the kitchen with healthy foods and plan fun activities to get the whole family moving. Share your ideas with them and soon your whole family could be fit and be having more fun together.
Enjoy Healthy Living!
USDA-United States Department of Agriculture
This institution is an equal opportunity provider